2019 Good Design 展覽與頒獎典禮

很榮幸能參與 #GoodDesign 展覽與頒獎典禮,歷經了初複審籌備等過程,竹跡館這座里程碑使我們於不同階段更邁進理想,帶著沿途的風景,紀錄每個別具意義的時刻 -


It's our honor to participate in the 2019 Good Design exhibition and ceremony, to receive the award. Going through the process of preliminary and secondary review preparation, Bamboo Pavilion is set to be a milestone for lifting us to a higher level. With the scenery along our journey, every meaningful moments are recorded in mind.

Thanks to our team members all the time, let's make efforts to create the next big work together.